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Personally I believe this is a fact. The problem is that if a Guy is coming to Fat Acceptance areas, not as a FA, then most likely he is not in that percentage of the male population that has no problem with fat. Yet stan laurel Fat Acceptance will constantly apply these statistics to ever thing he shares in Fat Acceptance. William Posted by shryve on December 18, 2003 06:36 AM. I don't understand your point shryve. What statistics are being applied to the experiences of fat men? What does any of this have stan laurel to do with FA's stan laurel anyway? Its not being said that fat men face no problems, but clearly there are differences in how they are treated, and that is entirely without respect to whether they are an FA or not. Posted by Brian on December 25, 2003 08:41 PM. Hi Brian I am asking should the primary focus of fat men in Fat Acceptance be how much better society deals with them vs fat women? Rarely have I seen a fat man contribute his personal experiences to a conversation in Fat Acceptance and not have someone add a disclaimer to the conversation about the difference in the treatment of the genders concerning fat.