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This type of reasoning has been at the core of much feminist theory for years - like any ism the predjudice we have to deal with as quotes fat people needs to be explored from quotes a theoretical perspective (amongst others) to understand how and why it happens. If you understand the root causes of any ism you can quotes then work on how to eradicate it. Posted by Faith on November 13, 2003 12:53 PM. Well, here's my two cents. First of all I don't think you can say that Men and Women should be equal in all things, weight included. We're just too different you and I, Men are on average larger all around, and this has nothing to do with anything but genetics. Secondly, Women are treated harsher based on more weight or a bigger size, this is a fact, Men have it easier when it comes to weight issues. However, when Women are beautiful or good looking, they have far more power than a man does under the same circumstances.