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I have a wife and kids, parents and brothers, and alot of love in my life. Despite my weight. So, I moved on to lap-band surgery. Lap-band is a bit safer (1 in 5000 deaths). It can be permanent, but beatings if problems arise down the line it can be removed. It's also adjustable, so you can control the beatings level of restriction to what is appropriate for your health needs at any point in your life. I have been seriously considering it, but I am running into insurance roadblocks. Whereas I've been told I only needed one 6-month physician-supervised beatings diet, my insurance company now requires two 6-month diets. I got that surprise 5 days before my orientation, after I'd cross off all the other items on my checklist. So, I decided that if I were going to have to do this again, I was going to give it my very best effort. I don't want to have any surgery if I can avoid it. I used to be an athlete when I was a teenager (and continued to eat like it afterward), and my body responds to exercise very quickly.