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One thing to ask yourself when you spike magazine hate that the world discriminates is this, would I also discriminate? Would I date a guy who didn't have a job or who was shorter than me? If you answered no, then we're all in the same boat. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going out to buy some FRIED CHICKEN, YUM!!! Posted by Doritos404 on November 14, 2003 02:48 spike magazine PM. I believe women face more difficulty than men when it comes to weight expectancies. We have been expected to conform to society's view of "beauty" for millenium. Where as men have been judged on their wealth and power. Advertisers have preyed upon women't insecurities regarding their appearance for years for everything from wrinkle cream to breakfast cereal. Advertisers market to men to appeal to their sense of machismo. Unfortunately for men, with the anti-fat attitude in our society today the scales are quickly equalizing to the point where men will be expected to worry about their appearance as much as women.