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If I do writers the writers same job as a man am the same height eat the same etc., why does he get to weigh 50-60lbs more than me and that's okay "he's not fat he's just a big guy?" Yeah yeah yeah we all know the argument that guys have more muscles than women and muscles weight more but hey women are supposed to have more fat because if they didn't they wouldn't have breasts and menstruate. writers I am beginning to believe more and more that as a fat woman I am being chastised much more by the society I live in because I just take up too much space and people can actually see me as opposed to the little skinny waif who takes up no room and nobody really notices. It kind of plays into that whole notion that women need to be smaller, quieter and less powerful than men otherwise they are not real women and no real man would love them. The only women who are allowed to be noticed are those that are beautiful because of course beauty has it's own power.