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There is not a lot of loud fatphobia in the general public, &, by percentage of the total population, we have gretsch a lot of fat people. I have lived in Bangor for over 31 years, & I go out every day walking the streets. In those years, I have encountered dozens of idiots who made stupid remarks about my cerebral palsy. Someone has said something gretsch about my weight exactly TWICE. gretsch Of course, I AM only about 180-185 pounds at 5'6", active & solid, & not seen as particularly fat around here. I know a lot of fat men of various sizes of fat, some in my own family, & generally they seem pretty relaxed about being fat, &, if they like themselves as people, they are comfortable in their bodies. When it is hot in the summer, you are as likely to see fat men wandering around with no shirts or wearing shorts as thin men here. Up here, I think that more men are still raised to see their bodies as part of them, as something instrumental, which allows them to live their lives, to walk, to work, to play sports, hug their children, & make love, whereas women seem to be socialized to see their bodies as something separate, valued as an ornament, something to be prettied up, & pruned & beaten into an acceptable shape.