political process leadership, fatman & little boy [import], michael brockman, team fat, visiting chicago, fun factory, radiological dispersal device, fred anderson, thermonuclear, nudie, health news, government u.s. government, ellen ochoa, merchandise, internet, fiction / general, playstation 2, weight reduction, recording, drama, dave'fat man' williams by williams,
I find that when I add even a little sugar back in I end up back where I started. Thankfully, I also go to support groups. Whether you end up skinny or stay large, I am thrilled to see someone doing what they feel is important; and yes we do all spend way too much time and english energy trying to be something other than what we are. Bless you, Juanietta Rob Says: October 14th, 2005 at 8:38 pm All right, maybe “patiently” was not the right word for me to use. You said english you would write your next update english when he reaches Oklahoma City “which should be any day.” Now, however, it looks like Oklahoma City may be a bit further down the line than you at CLCCN originally thought. Perhaps a word like “petrifaction” might better describe the state necessary to observe Steve Vaught’s journey. Today, 10/14/05, in his Yahoo Group, Steve said this: “This week I have been … doing about 5 per day, in circles around Elk City.” In circles!