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He’s averaging 16 miles a day, but wants to increase that to 20 miles a day so he can finish his walk by the end of 2005. Vaught is being filmed by a documentary crew and has signed a contract to write a Fat Man Walking jay z book for Regan Books, a Harper Collins imprint. With a book contract, is a career as an inspirational speaker far behind? jay z We’ll have to wait to find out, since Vaught is declining unapproved interviews in light of the book contract. However, for an inspirational weight loss speaking career to have any longevity, he’s going to need to keep off the weight, as Jared Fogle has been able to do. We’re still concerned that his greasy spoon meals are not a good preparation for lasting lifestyle and diet changes, and walking 15–20 miles a day with an 80-pound backpack is not something he can continue after he finishes his cross-country trek.