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He changed his way of doing things, beginning with excercise. He started treading water in a pool, because that was all he could handle. He was persistent and his diabetes symptoms disappeared in a matter of weeks. He also changed his diet. writing He didn't starve himself, writing he didn't count calories, he just started eating healthy food and stopped eating junk.You'd think this would be common sense, but it's not. Our society is so ridden with a victim mentality that allows people to lie to themselves and writing say that they don't have control over their weight. There are a dozens of experts (all with books to sell) to tell them that it's not their fault. It's their genetics, their "set point", the way they were raised, it's the fast food ads, etc. Fat people are great at deluding themselves and there's an entire weight loss industry that relies on getting people to believe that they can't help themselves.Fred