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(1992-2000)   General Psychiatry   Internal Medicine   Neurology   Ophthalmology   Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery   Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine   Surgery Student JAMA (1998-2004) JAMA & Archives CME fat girls xxx Calendar of Events JAMA CareerNet For The Media Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature Peer Review Congress Vol. 290 No. 12, fat girls xxx September 24, 2003   Featured Link  •  E-mail Alerts Letters  Article Options  •Full text  •PDF  •Send to a Friend  •Related articles  •Similar articles in this journal  Literature fat girls xxx Track  • Add to File Drawer  •Download to Citation Manager  • PubMed citation  •Articles in PubMed by   •Mascitelli L   •Pezzetta F  •Contact me when this article is cited  Topic Collections  •Liver/ Biliary Tract/ Pancreatic Diseases  •Diagnosis  •Topic Collection Alerts Diagnosis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Since this article does not have an abstract, we have
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