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But I finally checked out and everything was calm when I woke up in the morning. And we were all still alive, which is always a plus. It turns out my concerns were not unfounded. Lots of folks sustained property damage, and the poor bastards in the valley experienced some substantial flooding. A woman I work with has a new skylight in her hot plump girl living room, compliments of a random hunk of flying steel or some shit. It was a crazy twelve hours or so, hot plump girl and it’s been only hot plump girl mildly better in the days since. Every night we’ve had thunderstorms, not the Normandy Invasion kind we had on Monday, but pretty hellacious nonetheless. And it’s never really stopped raining all week. Obviously God's pissed at Scranton. Probably because of all the insufferable pricks. -- Speaking of that, the powerful California overlords recently sent me a digital camera, so I can take photos of problems and points of interest at our facility here, and email them back to the big-shots in Burbank.