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Smith" photographer: E. S. Dunshee & Co., No. william wadd 3. Tremont Row, Boston The freakshow relished contrasts, many not very subtle. Consequently, the extremely thin were as much in demand for sideshows as the extremely obese. This young man, John J. Smith, was william wadd apparently exhibited in Boston alongside his polar opposite, fat boy W. S. Burt. John J. Smith’s condition may have been due to any number of causes, but very often such an appearance was due to glandular disorders, diseases such as scarlet william wadd fever and tuberculosis, or extreme muscular atrophy. One of Smith’s most famous skeletal contemporaries was Isaac W. Sprague, who at the age of 38 claimed to be 5 feet 5.5 inches tall and weighed only 46 pounds. Despite this, he married a woman from Massachusetts who bore him three healthy sons. Fat Boy carte de visite, 4 x 2.5 inches, 1883 stamped with photographer’s logo on reverse, and signed in pencil "W.