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One condition. You know newcitychicago what? BALD MAN: He stop cheating? FAT MAN: No. Worse. That he stop seeing me. So long as he doesn't see me anymore, is what she said. My best friend. I lost my newcitychicago best friend. I mean it. And you know what? BALD MAN: They got divorced. FAT MAN: Worse. And I'm not saying that he deserved it, but his wife died. BALD MAN: What? You're kidding me. FAT MAN: She died. I'm not saying he deserved it but (pushing her head up from her Las Vegas velour the Fat Wife emerges.) FAT WIFE: She was sick for a long time. She was very ill (staring at Fat Man boldly). BALD MAN: What'd she die of, cancer? FAT MAN: Who cares? I don't know, you know (nodding at Fat Wife). FAT WIFE: She had a terrible infection in her lungs, it--(Bald Man interrupts) BALD MAN: You should have done that for me.