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Let's make a stand. Posted on November 23, 2003 in Fat and Men. 18 comments. Tables Turned A short, almost too short article about a man who divorced his wife... because she constantly cartoon images criticized his weight. I wonder what the perception would be if the wife divorced the man; she'd most likely be told to lose weight anyway. (grumble) Posted on June 27, 2003 in Fat and Men. 5 comments. 'The Fatter Slobs' Australia's cartoon images average weight is, apparently, creeping up - so much cartoon images so that CNN feels it's high time to call the men of that country "slobs". The findings of Australia's alleged new 60% fat rate comes from a survey of just 11,000 people. As of February, 2003, Australia's population was 19,727,476 people. So you're telling me that a measly phone survey of 11,000 people lets them come up with such grandiose statements?