cuttingSam Alexander Productions  titles designed jackw. germond dirty bomb

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cuttingSam Alexander Productions  titles designed byServicos Filmico Antonio Hernandez C.  lighting, grip and transportation dirty bomb equipment provided by Also Known As:Shadow Makers (UK) Runtime: 127 min dirty bomb Country: USA Language: English Color: Color (Technicolor) Sound Mix: Dolby Certification: Iceland:12 / Argentina:13 / Australia:PG / Chile:14 / Germany:12 / Sweden:11 / UK:PG / USA:PG-13 / Singapore:PG Goofs: Factual errors: It was actually Needermayer who proposed the implosion theory. (more) Quotes: Gen. Leslie R. dirty bomb Groves: We could give this country the biggest stick in the playground, and I intend to do that. (more) Awards: 2 nominations (more) FAT MAN AND... Memorabilia Books | All Products 4 out of 5 people found the following comment useful:- The Best Engineering flick in decades, great history and melodrama, too, 22 June 2002 Author: Matt Wall from Somewhere in Soho It's rare for a movie to both encompass the process of problem solving and a fantastically far-reaching moral quandary AND be a fairly accurate historical movie, but Fat Man and Little Boy pulls off this trick.It's
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