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Case Number 4735: Small Claims Court Fat Man And Little Boy Paramount // 1989 // 126 Minutes // Rated PG-13 Reviewed by Judge Patrick Naugle // July 8th, 2004 • View Judge Naugle's producer Dossier • E-mail Judge Naugle • Buy the DVD at Amazon Sure, Judge Patrick Naugle says this isn't Paul Newman's best film, but come on, it has Dwight Schultz playing a mad producer scientist! post to post to digg The Charge The story of the extraordinary people who changed our world. The Case The year is 1942 and it is one of the producer darkest days of World War II. The US government has collected some of the greatest scientists in the world, from Chicago to Berkeley and even refugees from Hitler's regime, to build what some consider the greatest nightmare of our time: the atomic bomb (otherwise known as "The Manhattan Project").