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It quickly came back down. And anyway, a country with potentially long-lived reserves – Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Venezuela – doesn't want or need prices as high as they can go because they are more interested in market share and ensuring a continued simcity 2000 demand for their product. So, for example, some years ago, Aramco and Texaco formed a joint US refining venture, Motiva, which became a Shell operation when Chevron merged simcity 2000 with Texaco. So if you buy Shell gasoline on the East Coast of simcity 2000 the US, there is a good likelihood you are buying gasoline refined from Saudi crude. There are all kinds of marketing arrangements in the US (and elsewhere), some much less secretive than Motiva (you'll notice there is no Motiva-brand gasoline out there). Stop into a Citgo station east of the Rockies and you are likely filling up with gasoline refined from heavy sour Venezuelan crude (the Venezuelan state oil company PDV owns Citgo).