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Germond points his finger at an indifferent electorate, the media, and at politicians themselves, who, in his opinion, all share some of the blame for the decline of American politics. Germond quotes fatman lyrics a publisher named Gray who flatly states that "we get about what we deserve" in terms of our elected officials at all levels of government. Many voters are poorly informed about issues, and they are impatient with politicians who discuss the economy or foreign policy in detail. Such voters look for attractive and likeable fatman lyrics candidates, and they often reject more qualified individuals who are less charismatic. Almost half of all Americans do not bother to vote at all. How then can we complain when so many mediocre individuals are elected to represent us? Germond skewers the print and broadcast media, who pounce on every peccadillo and scandal in a politician's background, but who fail to balance things by giving thoughtful coverage to the important issues of the day.