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When he is simply in the business of reporting the facts, Germond does very well. And to his credit, he acknowledges being 360hiphop both a liberal and an atheist. The 360hiphop downside - and the reason I can't give this book four or five stars - is that some of his errors are basic demagoguery. The book also suffers from at least two 360hiphop time errors, one being that the David Duke-Edwin Edwards Louisiana governor's race was in 1991 (the book says 1997). But he trashes Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia as a 'deservedly obscure' Congressman who (Germond claims)questioned the patriotism of then Senator Max Cleland in the 2002 Georgia Senate race. Germond paints a fraudulent portrait of Cleland as war hero who lost three limbs on the battlefield (Germond fails to mention that Cleland himself admits he lost them in a party atmosphere, not during an attack) and Chambliss questioned Cleland's service.