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It was a high-fat, high-protein, unrestricted calorie diet with only suvs carbohydrate restricted. The confusion about what Banting actually ate still exists today. It arises because few people have read his book in the original and fewer still have read Harvey's papers. I have quoted the relevant passages from both sources earlier in this chapter, and from these quotations two things are clear: That Harvey believed starch and sugar to be the culprits in obesity. That within the limits of suvs his imperfect suvs knowledge of the chemical composition of foods, Harvey tried to exclude these items from Banting's diet, allowing him to eat as much as he liked of everything else. Harvey had allowed Banting to take meat, including venison, poultry and fish-with no mention of trimming off the fat-in quantities up to 24 ounces a day which gives a calorie intake of about 2,800 when the alcohol and other things he ate and drank are included.