Summers, Harrison B. (197 catey sullivan bbw lover

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Summers, Harrison B. (197 1) A Thirty-Year History of programs Car- r'ed on National Radio Networks in the United States 1926-1956 New York: Arno Press and the New bbw lover York Times. Arthur Gelb, "Rotundity Pays Off." New York Times June 22, 1947. J. Fred MacDonald (1979) Don't Touch That Dial: Radio Programming in American Life, 1920-1960. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, p. 173. Top Guy: "Whodunnit?" True Detective, January 1953, p.58. (A short puzzler by Jack while he was playing the "crime-busting police commissioner bbw lover on ABC's mystery drama series,'The Top Guy,' every Friday, 8 to 8:30 P.M. EST.") Dashiell Hammett: Wiliam F. Nolan (1983) Hammett: A Life at the Edge. New York: Congdon & Weed. Diane Johnson (1983) Dashiell Hammett: A Life. New York: Random House. Julian Symons (1985) Dashiell Hammett. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Collections: Library and Museum of the Performing Arts of the New York Public Library, New York: (Photo of Jack as Henry the Eighth; Jack's personal scrapbook of his roles in early stock, begins with John B.
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