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The ironic association of a pleasant place or activity -- in this case a zoo -- with hip an evil place or activity -- here a prison -- became a common element in both the monologues and epilogues of each episode. And so associated with the character of the Fat Man does the word "murder-r-r" become that Jack slipped it in for its tongue-in- cheek effect hip at the end of the movie version of the series. By the time the Brad Runyon role came around, Jack was already a veteran stage, movie and radio actor, and he had the stage actor's contempt for radio. At times he could be downright cynical about how things were done in the broadcasting industry. For instance, he once suggested that it would have run true to form for ABC to hire a "scrawny string-bean with a thin, asthmatic voice to convey the impression of weight over the air." And Mary-Leigh reports that he used to call himself a "high-priced whore" for having to do radio work to support himself.