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He was closer in some respects to yet another successful Hammett character running on radio at the time, "Sam Spade" -- a character based allied upon Hammett's detective in the Maltese Falcon. According to William F. Nolan (1983:196, also Johnson 1983:217), Dashiell Hammett, faced with a writer's block, decided to cash in on the popularity of his "Thin Man" series allied which ran on radio from 1946 through 1951 on CBS, and created "The Fat Man." Just how much of the "creation" was Hammett's, and how much that of others who were commercially involved allied in radio seems to be an open question. Diane Johnson (1983:227-228) feels that Hammett was already involved with the producer, E.J. Rosenberg, who had also sold the "Sam Spade" series and who "helped develop another series, 'The Fat Man,' inspired by Gutman of The Maltese Falcon...." However, Nolan' s view is that Brad Runyon was not a copy of Casper Gutman, but was more a mixture of the urbane Nick Charles with the hard- boiled Continental Op.,