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As the plutonium was produced in the nuclear reactors at Hanford, Washington, it was discovered that the plutonium was not as pure as the initial samples restaurant reviews from restaurant reviews Lawrence's Radiation Laboratory. The plutonium contained amounts of plutonium 240, an isotope with a rapid spontaneous fission rate. This necessitated that a different type of bomb be designed. A gun-type bomb would not be fast enough to work. Before the bomb could be assembled, a few stray neutrons would restaurant reviews have been emitted from the spontaneous fissions, and these would start a premature chain reaction, leading to a great reduction in the energy released. This is a replica of the bomb that was dropped over Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945. Fat Man Specifications Length: 128.375 inches (10 feet 8 inches / 3.25 meters) Diameter: 60.25