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link=red vlink=red style='tab-interval:.5in'> HOME DV NEWS SERVICE arnie kinsella ARCHIVE SUBMISSIONS/CONTACT ABOUT DV The Fat MAN in Little Boy by Adam Engel Dissident Voice June 21, 2003 Let’s talk about the night The arnie kinsella Fat MAN raped you. How old were you, seven, eight, nine? I was arnie kinsella eight, I think. “KABOOM!” the Fat MAN screamed. “What? What?” “Only kidding,” laughed The Fat MAN, stroking HIS Bomb. “Go back to sleep.” “Jesus Christ. How the Hell’m I suppose to sleep NOW?” “Relax. If I had really let this sucker go you’d be part of the rug by now. A little Rorschach blot of goo.” “A what?” “Anyway, I promise to wake you when I come for real.” “Oh…well…” “Sissy-pants,” clucked The Fat MAN.