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And, good god, look at the people! When I passed through the doors of the Jessup post office it was like I'd stepped out of a time machine, into 1943. There was a wall of PO boxes, constructed of wood(!), and an expanse of linoleum on which people had probably bitched fat old lady nude about that bastard Calvin Coolidge. fat old lady nude If I'd taken the time to look, there was undoubtedly a poster on the bulletin board urging us to turn in our bacon fat to our butchers, and do our part to fight The fat old lady nude Fuhrer. As soon as I said the words "international money order" I could see the woman get nervous. "What country?" "England." She retreated to the back of the cluttered room, consulted a crumbling chart, and hesitantly returned to me. I had the feeling she was trying to decide whether or not to contact Tom Ridge at the Office of Homeland Security.