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Kekwick and Pawan and other investigators have political process elections shown that up to 6o grammes (just under 2 ounces) of carbohydrate a day are compatible with effective weight reduction on a high-fat, high-protein diet, although in some subjects political process elections even this amount will slow down the rate of weight loss. In such cases further restriction of carbohydrate with stricter adherence to the political process elections high-fat, high-protein foods results in satisfactory weight loss again. Summary of the argument so far (1958) 1.There are two kinds of people: the Fatten-Easilies and the Constant-Weights. 2.If a Constant-Weight eats more carbohydrate than he needs, he automatically pushes up his metabolic rate (turns the bellows on his body fires) until the excess has been consumed. 3.A Fatten-Easily cannot do this because of a defect in his body chemistry. Excess carbohydrate is laid down as fat. 4.It is carbohydrate which makes a fat person fat. 5.Medical