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Indian Tea - The Art of directors Chai Roasting Garlic First, get the best garlic you can buy. White, firm, and fresh looking with a papery exterior. Cut off the stem and the directors top part of the individual cloves. Place all of the heads in oven-safe pan. The cut side of the directors garlic should face up. Pour olive oil on the exposed part of the garlic. Bake in a 375-degree oven for about 30 minutes or until the garlic begins to soften. While the garlic is still warm, squeeze the cloves out of their papery body. They'll pop right out and voila! Chai (pronounced to rhyme with 'pie') is a spiced milk and tea concoction that is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world. It produces a soothing effect, acts as a natural digestive aid and gives one a wonderful sense of wellbeing. On a chilly evening, the viscous liquid warms up the body and spirit. And, woman, does it have atmosphere! Flensburg Casserole A very good friend, Mieke Dahm-Henderson, first introduced me to Flensburg Casserole.