military, discography, fatman walking, tracklisting, actresses, music, chicago arts, and acceptance (rodale, the fat man, tony hawk, bboy, artwork, ron frazier (ii), banting, cheats, electronic, vhs, wmd countries, mundie, met lab, adultery,
Saturday, July 16, 2005 Black Bean Salad Nanette Kelley It’s summer here in the northern hemisphere and hot, hot, hot! 108° here today, as I write this, so you can imagine that the last thing on my mind would be cooking something headphones hot. May 9, 2005 Dirt Pudding Who wouldn’t love the chance to tell a “special” guest to eat dirt? Okay, okay… maybe your kids will be able to resist the urge, but truthfully… will you? I came across this fun (and educational!) recipe for Dirt headphones Pudding when I stumbled across Dr. headphones Dirt (who is really Dr. Clay Robinson, Ph.D., CPSSc). He provides “[h]ands-on, exploratory learning activities based on methods of scientific inquiry will encourage interest in science, soil, engineering, agriculture, and natural resources” in an entertaining and practical manner, mainly geared towards teachers but which you can do at home as well.