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(Picture of Jack eating steamed clams; mentions gifts fat men he came to visit Ogunquit "two years ago" (1947) and stayed; mentions he was picking up Maine dialect) "Information Booth," Radio-Television Mirror, March, 1952, p. 27. (also mentions "Top Guy") Dora Albert, "Radio's Jack of All Trades," Screen and Radio Weekly, 1935 (?), p. 10. (Jack's attitudes toward gifts fat men his work) Guest editorial by J. Scott Smart for Don Tranter's "Radio Comment, Highlights" column, Buffalo Courier-Express, July 25, 1947. (Reflec- tions on being fat in a thin world) Bill Cunningham, gifts fat men "Ogunquit Good 'For Body, Soul'." The Boston Herald, August 16, 1955 . (brief reflection by Jack on moving to Ogunquit) John Dunning, Tune In Yesterday: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Old- Time Radio, 1925-1976, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1976. (picture of Jack as The Fat Man) Frank Burton and Bill Owen, The Big Broadcast: 1920-1950, New York: Avon Books. Leonard Sillman (1959) Here Lies Leonard Sillman.
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