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In fact, because he only read as a soporific, he found dusters more to his liking. No, he was a wmd industry cinch for the part because, as he would often say, "it takes a fat man to sound like a fat man." And Jack was indeed a fat man. Where Brad Runyon weighed-in at a relatively svelte 237 pounds (or 239 pounds, or 241 pounds, depending on wmd industry which episode you listened to), Jack himself tipped the scales at around 270 pounds, which, considering it was distributed over a 5- foot, 9-inch frame, meant that wmd industry he measured up to the part with plenty to spare. Brad Runyon's quick wit was in fact Jack's own and is evident when one listens to the episodes. When jibed by a "baddy" on one program about his weight, the Fat Man snarls back, "the only difference between you and me, Rudolph, is that my fat is from the neck down." Jack was active in assembling the final script, revising the plot, cutting material he didn't like, and even helping select supporting cast." In fact he had it written into his contract that he would receive a copy of a script two weeks before it was to air so that he could blue-line and change lines before it was finalized.