Feb. 21, 2006: Steve chicago classifieds ohio

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Feb. 21, 2006: Steve Vaught climbs a flight of stairs at Body Image Private Fitness Training in North Hollywood. Viewed: ohio 900 times. Feb. 22, 2006: Steve Vaught checks his weight on a scale at the Body Image on Wednesday in North Hollywood,. Vaught weighed in at 294 lbs. * Viewed: 873 times. Steve Vaught sits in his tent as he prepares to bed down in a church parking lot ohio in Seligman, Ariz. on July 7. ohio * Viewed: 7784 times. Steve Vaught, left, talks with Dee Dyer, the owner of the Historic Route 66 General Store, and employee Tim Gibson in Seligman, Ariz. on July 7. * Viewed: 8324 times. Steve Vaught walks eastbound along U.S. Route 66 in Seligman, Ariz. on July 7. He was short of money that evening and looked for a place to pitch his tent and camp. * Viewed: 6706 times. Steve Vaught talks to his wife on a pay phone just outside Barstow on the morning of May 23.
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