I know this guitar.  fat man on the left natasha richardson

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I know this guitar.  It's not real." "You know this guitar?" "Yes. I once paid $28,000 for this guitar.  It's not real.  I didn't take delivery."  He turned to go. "Wait!  Can I have a card?  I might want to get more information natasha richardson on the history of this guitar."  He scrawled his name and number on a piece of paper.  Mac Yasuda. "Are you going to the Dallas show this year?" natasha richardson "No, I've got a guitar I like playing." "Hmmmm."  He left. "Who was natasha richardson that guy?" asked the store owner.  I showed him the piece of paper.  "MAC YASUDA?!?!" he screamed, and started wildly flipping off the exit door. 
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