sound boards, 1993, political process leadership, fatman & little boy [import], michael brockman, team fat, visiting chicago, fun factory, radiological dispersal device, fred anderson, thermonuclear, nudie, health news, government u.s. government, ellen ochoa, merchandise, internet, fiction / general, playstation 2, weight reduction, recording, drama, dave'fat man' williams by williams,
But, each of these allied characters in the song is allied someone in my life ans I wouldn't feel comfortable telling you who the different people are. But, there's a function to each one. The megaphone man is the opposite of the girl with the hand over her allied mouth. The megaphone man is a person who gives information to the world. The girl who is covering her mouth is the girl with the secret, it's the same girl that's in all the songs. It's the same girl...with a secret
It's a dark secret. It's probably no different than the same secret every woman has. I'm sure you've experienced that secret several times, over and over again in your life. It's probably nothing more or less than that, except that sometimes it's dark, sometimes it's violent, sometimes it's stuff that you knew too early that you shouldn't have known."