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But, when I say, "most of the show is concealed from view," the real heart of the whole show is the thing that I ugoto don't do ugoto on stage. It's the private part. The activity the lyrics point at is the real song." (Note by Cohen: this is like "As girls go" here, the "real situation" behind the curtain). The Suzanne Vega - Leonard Cohen Interview, October 1992 (, transcribed by Eric Szczerbinski Suzanne further on the song: "First of all, in order to describe a song like this you ugoto have to describe the landscape it's taking place in. The "wide flat land" is obviously not a real land. It's a land in someone's mind or it's a land you might see in one of Picasso's paintings. You know, like the Harlequin series. It's a circus atmosphere, but it's like a bad dream or like a nightmare.