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Audio is a key component of game design but there are merchandising a select few who have truly mastered the art and technique of enhancing a game players overall game experience. Read this book and learn from the master. This book will reveal merchandising what it takes to be a highly sucessful audio developer. It reveals the unique problems facing the audio developer and then teaches them the most useful, efficient, and direct ways to overcome these problems. This book is unlike merchandising any other in that it not only gives readers the know-how on but it also teaches the reader how to add soul and life into their game audio by examining their personal lessons in music, science, politics, philosophy, and other life experiences. This book is an inspiration to all audio developers. See all Editorial Reviews Product Details Paperback: 528 pages Publisher: New Riders Games (June 25, 2003) Language: English ISBN: 1592730094 Product Dimensions: 9.1