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Only then did everyone realize that this wasn't a real live girl, but a doll. Bombs begin exploding in the air over the palace. The people have cannons and are attacking. The Fat Men run out to the park, but are surrounded and arrested by a surging mass of the poor, led by Prospero and Tibul. Even the guardsmen are all on the 1945 side of the people. The entire town then takes up a song of victory. The rich hurry to the harbor, hoping to flee 1945 the country. But they are stopped 1945 and arrested by sailors. The three arrested Fat Men are displayed to the people in the great hall of the Palace. Prospero gives a speech announcing the dawn of a new era. He advises everyone to, "Remember this day, remember this hour." When he says, "hour", everyone turns to a large grandfather clock in the room to see exactly what time it is. The door of the clock suddenly (the last "suddenly" in the book) opens, revealing that the clock works have been removed and that hiding inside is...Suok!