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Software Defenders of Dynatron City, Lucasfilm Rocketeer, (NES) 1879395010 Realtime LHX Attack Copter, 1879395010 EA Mario Teaches Typing, Interplay Battledroids, Lucasfilm Socks Rocks the House, Realtime Hong Kong Mah Jong 9, Dragons The Secret Codes of Cypher: Operation Wildlife, Tanager Magic Candle II, Mindcraft Wings 2, Acme Interactive Q Bert, (Gameboy) NBA Basketball, Sculptured Heroes of the 357th Midnight Ultima-Runes of Virtue, Origin Mutanoid Math Challenge, Legacy 1879395010 Mutanoid Word Challenge, Legacy MicroLeague Baseball MicroLeague, Sports Double Trouble Ramp, EA Track Meet, Interplay Spellcraft, Tsunami Marvin the Moose, John Ratcliff Total Recall, Interplay Dick Tracy, Realtime Gameboy Dick Tracy, Realtime Funhouse, Realtime RPM, Interplay Frogfoot, EA Might and Magic III, New World Planet's Edge, New World Swords and Serpents, Interplay Rad Gravity, Activision Home Alone, (NES) Bethesda Capture The Flag, Sirius Cybernet, Trilobyte Battle Chess II, Interplay Pools of Darkness, SSI Shadow Sorcerer, SSI Thin Ice, Mattel Electronics Monster Truck Rally, INTV Death Knights of Krinn, SSI Cartel, Access Word Hai, Realtime The Flash, Bethesda Battlecruiser 3000 AD, 3000 AD Hard Nova,