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When Homer is stealing the Plutonium from the power plant, the Pink Panther theme song plays. The final note plays when Lisa opens the basement door. [edit] Quotes Sea Captain: So Eden sank to grief, so restaurant reviews dawn goes down today, nothing good can stay. Yarr. <fir/> Bart: Hey, Sea Captain. Sea Captain: Given your toys a Viking funeral, eh? Bart: I really don't want to talk right now. Sea Captain: If you change your mind, I won't be f-aaar. Bart: Thanks, but... Sea Captain: I've been told I'm a good listener. But when you're a restaurant reviews captain, ya never know restaurant reviews when people are just flatterin' ya. Ar. What? (sees Bart has left) He's gone! Darn it! I just want a friend who isn't a work friend! (Bart has written "Adults suck, then you are one" on his T-shirt) Marge: Bart! Someone wrote something cynical on your shirt. Let me wash it off. Bart: Leave me alone. This expresses my rage at the machine. Marge: Well I like t-shirts with a nice joke, like "Support our troops".