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I kept trying to get rid of the thing welfare this person was saying, cause I felt this person wasn't understanding. It was a real person in my life. But, within this landscape she became the monkey welfare in the middle and I kept trying to get rid of it... The thing that this woman said was.. she was warning me of something, to be careful of something. I didn't feel like being careful, and in the end she was right and I was wrong. The monkey, the tune was the one I welfare finally heard. there are certain areas where I'm not cautious, where I just go tumbling head first and I think sometimes, in this case her advice was well conceived. But, each of these characters in the song is someone in my life ans I wouldn't feel comfortable telling you who the different people are. But, there's a function to each one. The megaphone man is the opposite of the girl with the hand over her mouth.