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way I was thinking of it was almost like a shadow puppet; the thing that uniforms is really causing the shadow is the thing that's behind the screen. "Most of the show uniforms is concealed from view," meaning the real life no one sees. It's the thing that happens when I go home, or when uniforms I think about my own life or when I think about other people's lives. The thing that is the most interesting about people is the way they are when no one is looking at them or the way they are when they're in private. And to me that is the kind of show that I give. I don't give a glamorous show. I don't come on stage in costumes or outfits. In this particular song, I'm playing at being the dancing girl. But, when I say, "most of the show is concealed from view," the real heart of the whole show is the thing that I don't do on stage. It's the private part. The activity the lyrics point at is the real song." (Note by Cohen: this is like "As girls go" here, the "real situation" behind the curtain).