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To understand our conflicts over power in the material world, we fatman on the left: four decades in the underground need to look inside ourselves, into the nonmaterial world, for the original spark. That’s fatman on the left: four decades in the underground why I go back, again and again, to my extended family’s sweatlodge. I invite you to come fatman on the left: four decades in the underground in. Here, in the darkness of the sweatlodge, let’s put our voices together and sing a new pathway to power into being. Stewart Steinhauer lives and works at Saddle Lake First Nation, where he carves stone for money, and studies the relationship between racism, colonialism and capitalism for fun. 2 Responses to “Fat Man’s Legacy, Little Boy’s Ghost” briarpatch » February 2006 Says: February 28th, 2006 at 2:17 pm […] Fat Man’s Legacy, Little Boy’s Ghost by Stewart Steinhauer “there is no resolution to the energy struggle without first resolving the power struggle” -plus- Radiation and uranium mining by Bill Adamson […] Frank Savage Says: March 7th, 2006 at 12:14 pm I think humankind will not have the vision or will to solve the problems of overpopulation, pollution, misuse of natural resources, etc.