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He wanted to be an actor, against his father's wishes, ever since he left his Georgia home. In his first 1st film, audiences saw him as an oversized kid and were certain unspeakable things had happened to him. However, he wasn't to be easily defeated. This was when Chaplin was mesmerizing the public and the press, and was the comedian everybody was constantly talking about. But now Ollie 1st is content. He thinks Laurel is intelligent, that his scripts are rich and precise, that his observations are accurate; he thinks Laurel will be 1st a great director. The fat man lets the assistants freshen his makeup while listening to the orders of the skinny man who comes over to check on the cosmetic effects of the makeup artists. Everything is ready for filming the next scene. In a neighboring studio, someone is playing a tango. Ollie smiles... "Roll it!" The action begins at the exact place where Stan interrupted it earlier.