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He kept his weight down without difficulty and lived in physical comfort to the age of 81. This distortion of a genuine discovery, based on original observation, to make it fit in with current theories has happened again and again in our history. Ever since Procrustes cut off the feet of people who did not fit his bed, established authorities with narrow minds have employed the cruel weapons of ridicule and economic sanctions against people who challenged their doctrines. To the student of psychology this is a commonplace, but it is a great brake on 2006 scientific progress. 2006 The howl 2006 that went up against Harvey and Banting was nearly as loud as the one which greeted Freud's Interpretation of Dreams in which he pointed out the facts of infantile sexuality. This is hardly surprising when one considers how sensitive most of us are to criticism of our views on our pet subjects. Among the many diets which followed the publication of Banting's pamphlet, every variation of the three main foods was tried but always with restriction of the total intake.