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The new mother weighed 745 pounds. The icing sushi on the cake sushi is that the father, Cliff Karns, weighed a hefty 304. The Karns, alas, did not leave us a manual to quote from (or even a set of diagrams). But several other authorities on sex (self-proclaimed and otherwise) have addressed the matter of obesity and intercourse. A few betrayed sushi a vested interest in finding that fat sex is uncommon or unpleasant, and their comments have been omitted. The rest are quoted liberally below. MALE-DOMINANT POSITION- Commonly known as the "missionary position," or, in George Carlin's phrase, "good old American man-on-top-get-it-over-with-quick." Authoritative medical opinion since the time of Hippocrates has written off this arrangement for fat people. Many authorities still hold the notion that a fat man simply cannot perform in the dominant position. "If he has a belly," writes Alex Comfort, "... he won't be able to come on top, and will quite often prefer to avoid male-active positions because of breathlessness."