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If you step on a bunch of Army Ants by accident, is that fatman wikipedia encyclopedia reference killing caused by friendly fire? If you hang out with Fire Ants but then one day accidentally kill their Queen and later they bite you to death ... is that death by Friendly Fire or Formerly Friendly Fire? A chef walks into a room with a salesman, a mullah, a priest and a rabbi, and says, "not only am i in the wrong fatman wikipedia encyclopedia reference joke, and not only does this joke reek of a copycat joke, but it's using most of fatman wikipedia encyclopedia reference the same ingredients, except for me." There aren't any elephants in the mafia .. maybe it's because they can never fuggedaboutit. Source: Yasha Harari ---------------------------------------------------- Posted by duffbeer on Friday, December 23, 2005 (16:32:59) (1302 reads) Associated Topics life, music, mainstream culture" title="Pop > life, music, mainstream culture" /> "The Daily Dose: The Daily Dose 12/23/05 - Yasha Harari Quotables" | Login/Create an Account | 0 comments Threshold -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Nested Flat Thread Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First The comments are owned by the poster.