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It was because of that that the folks at Origin called him to see if he would do music for their new game, Wing Commander. ed lauter Dave said he wasn’t doing music much anymore, and suggested they call his ol’ subcontractor, The Fat Man. MC: Is it true that People Magazine called you "a top candidate for the most prolific--and obscure--living American composer"? FM: Obscure, yes. And the rest might be true, too. I guess it ed lauter would depend on your definitions of the words "a," "top," "candidate," "for," "the," and ed lauter the rest of the dictionary. I write a lot of music, and a lot of people listen to it. And I try to do right by those people, seeing as often they don’t have much of a choice! People also reported that I live in a sprawling Western-Style Hacienda, and that I have three more siblings than those of which I was aware. But I have always been glad about the article, because it surprises people and makes them feel happy when they recognize me in the magazine.