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Numerous detonators located on the surface of the high explosive were fired simultaneously caesar's palace to produce a powerful inward pressure on the core, squeezing it and increasing its density, caesar's palace resulting in a supercritical condition and a nuclear explosion. At first it was thought that two pieces of sub-critical plutonium (Pu-239) could simply be shot into one another to create a nuclear explosion, and a plutonium gun-type design of this sort (known as the "Thin Man" bomb) was worked on for some time during the Manhattan Project.[3] However caesar's palace it was discovered that plutonium created for the bomb in the nuclear reactors at Hanford, Washington, even though it was super-grade weapon plutonium containing only about 0.9% Pu-240, was not as pure as the initial samples of plutonium developed at the cyclotrons at Ernest O. Lawrence's Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California. Because of the presence of the isotope Pu-240, reactor-bred plutonium had a much higher rate of spontaneous neutron emission than was previously thought, and if a gun-type device was used it would most likely pre-detonate and result in a messy and costly "fizzle".