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Q: Can I see your bio? Q: Um, will you hire me? Q: For which games have you composed music and/or done sound laureland hardy design? We've been doing this since 1983 so the list is very long, over 200. Here are a few of them. Product Name Software Developer Piglet's Big Game (PC) Hulabee/Disney laureland hardy Dransik Asylumsoft Mike's Monstrous Adventure Hulabee/Disney SpongeBob SquarePants - Flying Dutchman Big Sky/THQ Tux Racer Sunspire Studios Pajama laureland hardy Sam 3 Humongous Clue EAI/Hasbro Cyberstrike: The Clan Wars 989 Studios Dawn of War Illusion Machines Qwxyz JW Associates Tanarus Sony Interactive Studios WarSport TimeSink The 7th Guest part 2--The 11th Hour Trilobyte Wing Commander Origin Systems The 7th Guest Trilobyte Putt Putt Goes to the Moon Humongous Wing Commander II Origin Putt Putt Saves the Zoo Humongous US Navy Fighters EA Advanced Tactical Fighters EA Master of Orion SimTex Zhadnost: The Peoples' Party 3DO Shannara FAR Productions Master of Magic SimTex Zombies Ate My Neighbors Lucasfilm Games Ultima Underworld Blue Sky NASCAR Racing Papyrus SEAL Team EA Loom Lucasfilm Games Freddi Fish Humongous Star Trek-25th Anniversary Interplay Son of MULE Danny Bunten Marine Fighters EA This Means War Starjammer/Illusion Machine Welcome to Bear Country Compton's NewMedia Windows Sound System