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The most loyal guards are immediately posted at all entrances and exits to the park and palace. The Three Fat Man weigh themselves and discover that, despite the furor, they have not lost an ounce of fat. For this, the novels chief doctor is arrested and put on a regimen of bread and water. Tutti hugs his doll, which is torn novels and tattered and has a broken internal spring. The State Council novels decides that the famous Dr. Gaspar must repair the doll. They dispatch a message to him giving him until tomorrow to effect the repair. He can have any reward he wants if successful. If he fails, severe punishment is promised. Meanwhile, the giant cake with the creamed-over Balloon Seller on it is carried back into the pastry kitchen. There, the Balloon Seller gives his balloons to 20 kitchen boys who promise to help him escape. Following their instructions, the Balloon Seller climbs into a giant copper pot, and the boys cover him with the lid.